Tuesday 27 March 2012


A video feed opens, the screen is completely black for 3 seconds until lights reveal a large room stacked with large shipping containers, crates and assorted junk. N'maro comes into view, looking up at the feed, an inquisitive look on his face. He then taps the lens with a finger.

"Working? Hope So."

N'maro turns and begins walking off into the depths of the warehouse. The feed follows, clearly it is belonging to a camera drone. He continues speaking, his tone punctual and a little rushed.

"Don't much shine to the idea of talking to myself. Well, I am talking to a drone, whose recordings no one sees but such is life I guess, everyone loses it eventually..."

He trails off as stops, spying something to his left

"... and there we go"

N'maro walks off and the drone follows, revealing what peaked his attention. In the middle of some hip high crates sits a comparibly small, but nonetheless imposing, MTAC. Commonly refered to as "walkers", this one was evidently a military model of Minmatar design. Supported by two thick, stubby "legs" it stood rougly 8-9ft tall, its form resembling some hunchbacked, humanoid monster. On its left "arm" can be seen various metal loops and fastenings, presumably to attach missiles or some other weapon. N'maro's attention however, is drawn to its right arm, on which hung a fearsome looking seven-barreled gattling gun.

"Right where they said it would be."

N'maro gets a tool from his belt and begins doing something to the gun.

"Antar E22 Heavy Support Weapon, MTAC variant. 15.46 milimetres, made for and by Matari."

With a grunt, N'maro prizes open a hatch, revealing a long link of large calibre rounds going from the ammo feed to the firing mechanism.

"They were originally to be fit as point defence on ground based hardpoints, bunkers, well placed buildings. Weapons procurement department, in their wisdom,  decided that the rate of fire was to slow. Of course, ingnoring that the point defence systems being developed with the gun had been tailored for it, and changing the gun made about as much sense as giving a barber blunt razors... But then some bright spark decides to fit one on an MTAC, make the best of a shit situation. Saw quite a bit of service in the Vindication Wars, despite being a limited run."

After some fidling, he mandages to remove the ammo link, the chain of rounds hitting the floor.

"Securty scan every item... hmph, my ass. Now, the tricky bit"

N'maro plays around with the gun's fastenings, loosening them as much as possible. After attempting to remove the gun the conventional way and failing, he steps back, curses, and proceeds to force the gun off its fastenings. Its comes loose, and N'maro stuggles with it's wieght, carrying it over to a nearby metal crate and dumping it on top with a grunt.

"Anyway, I got a call from a freind, something about a project with Mordu's Legion. Lot of rumours around these days about some Legion science project, maybe worth looking into at some point, but anyway."

N'maro flicks a couple of catches near the barrels, and takes out a couple of bolts around the same area, talking while he does

"I get the call, and she asks me if I have any heavy weapons lying around, needed a barrel replacement for a minigun, managed to heat up the last one to near-melting point. Ha, teach her to trust Caldari with miniguns..."

He smiles a little bit at his bad joke, tinkering with a different part of the weapon.

"So, what else is going on... Well, I guess its worth mentionning I've been promoted to the glorious heights of..."

N'maro rolls his eyes, smiling a little.

"...'Director of Public Relations'. Messy job, someones got to do it though, may as well be me. Anyway, kind of related, Nina got CEO, no surprise, he's got the experience, the know how, and he'll grow into the confidence, I think."

N'maro grabs the gun barrels, pushing them in with a click, twisting them and pulling them out. He then sits on the crate, examining each barrel.

"Aside from that, Seyllin Conference 3 seems to be going well. Well... as well as organising capsuleers can go I suppose. But its all making headway, which at the end is the important bit. We have to keep moving, no matter what. Anyhow, thats enough rambling."

N'maro stands up, holding the barrels. He looks at the feed and smiles

"Plenty of work to do. Command, Log Out."

The video feed goes dark.

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